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Terahertz Therapy

The body itself is a heat source that naturally absorbs or emits terahertz waves. When high frequency terahertz waves are used on the body, the cells receive a large quantity of negative ions that cancel out the excessive accumulation of positive ions in the body. This 'recharges' the cells and activates them, therefore improving metabolism and raising the body temperature. Once the body temperature increases, immunity will also be strengthened.


Long term stress and negative thinking stimulates the body to produce many free radicals and when the amount generated exceeds the ability of the body cells to remove them efficiently, these free radicals will instead damage the cells. The molecular structure of free radicals is very similar to that of normal cells except for some parts that have obvious mutations. These free radicals obstruct the passing through of terahertz waves and absorb all their energy, therefore they get killed off in seconds due to the high temperature that is produced. 


When free radicals are removed, inflammation or pain caused by them will also be removed naturally, allowing the body to recover from its diseased state.




Therapeutic Benefits Of Terahertz Quantum Light Wave Energy


Strengthens normal healthy cells

Repairs damaged cells and detoxifies

Recognizes and destroys abnormal cells

Stimulates the immune system by activating weak and inactive cells

Terahertz wavelength reaches the bone marrow, blood vessels and capillaries

Assists the body to clear blood vessels & detoxify lymphatic circulation

Rapidly stimulates micro-circulation and regulates body temperature

Remove deep tissue coldness and dampness rapidly

Delays the onset of aging symptoms

Strengthens organ function



What are people using the iTera healing device for?




Low energy

Skin conditions

Fever & infections

Chronic conditions

Headaches and migraines

Aches/ pains / arthritis / joints

Varicose veins and spider veins

Stimulate collagen / skin tightening and firming

Reflexology and clearing meridian points on hands / feet/ ears

Gastrointestinal/ Digestive problems

Coughs / colds / flu/ viruses

Hormonal issues

Frozen shoulder

Weight issues

Sleep issues



And sooo much more!!





iTeraCare Therapy Device is Certified

Safe to use on infants, children and the elderly 

Does not emit EMF




Metal implants

Menstrual bleeding

Congenital heart defects

Open wounds, cuts or burns

Open blood vessels or hemorrhaging

Do not use if taking blood thinning medication


After Care


Drink the charged water - atleast 2 glasses

Within 4 hours after the treatment:

Do not shower or bathe for 4 hours post treatment

Avoid raw meat and cold foods

Avoid directing electric fans & air-conditioning on you 

Feel free to bring a 1-2 glass bottle or jar so you can take some charged water home to drink over the following 24 hours post treatment.



Charged Water


Fuels the brain

Increases alertness

Hydrates the body ultra fast

Improves complexion & skin radiance

Strengthens the immune system

Increases cellular oxygenation

Reduces toxins in the body

Neutralises free radicals

 Reduces sickness



Regular drinking of the charged terahertz water helps to enhance cell activity, reduce blood viscosity, expel waste and toxins, repair every cell, and make it more healthy and vigorous. Terahertz water has a single water molecule that makes it easier to pass through cell membrane water channels with kinetic energy. This quick, high penetrating force has strong dissolving power.


After entering the body, its constant resonance with the cells transports more nutrients, minerals and oxygen which is beneficial for optimal health. It then enters every corner of the cell, so that our cells are filled with clean, vibrant and nutritious liquid molecules.  This can greatly promote the growth, development and activity of the cells.  Terahertz water can greatly improve skin hydration and overall appearance.


At the same time, the nutrients that cannot be completely absorbed by the cells, along with fats, cholesterol and other substances stored in the body, will be dissolved and excreted.  The result, the body’s detoxification system gets a serious upgrade!  





Q: Can I buy my own device?


A:You can purchase your own device for home use. Please contact Adelle for info on how to do this. There are cheap ineffective 'copy cats' on the market. Only purchase from the company itself through a reputable distributor.

The device (including postage & handling) is $640 AUD for the Classic wand.


Q: Fake Devices - I’ve heard there are fake devices, how do I know if these are the real ones?


A: The fake devices are sold on Amazon and Alibaba etc for about $40-$50. The iTeraCare is the original & genuine device and must be purchased through an official iTeraCare Distributor.



Q: Is there a money-back guarantee?


A:No. However, it is covered under a One Year Manufacturers Warranty


Q: Does it come with instructions?


A:The device is not sent with instructions. I will  email instructions, resources and links to facebook groups to you once you purchase the device. 


Q: What is the frequency wavelength of the blue light?


A: The iTeraCare Classic blue light measures 405 nanometers (nm) in wavelength and has enormous healing properties. 405 nanometer light is violet-blue light. It has significant antimicrobial properties against a wide range of bacterial and fungal pathogens. This wavelength is lower than UV light and is safe for continuous use.

405 nm wavelengths pose no risk to humans and animals.


Q: How is the device used?


A: Simply by directing the device to the area of concern. There are many protocols for various issues. The most common basic protocol is:

Drink a large glass of charged water

2 Minutes on each palm of hand & sole of foot

2 Minutes behind each knee (popliteal lymph nodes)

2 Minutes each side on groin area/ inside upper thigh (inguinal lymph nodes)

2 Minutes on each armpit (sub axial lymph nodes)

2 Minutes either side of the neck (cervical lymph nodes)

15 Minutes top of head to base of spine

Drink a large glass of charged water


For the first 3 sessions a shortened 20 minute version of this protocol is recommended. This will allow the body to be slowly introduced to terahertz frequency, help blockages clear & open meridians points.


To book a free 20 minute demo click here























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